Professional Lighting

Our firm is focus on carrying out professional lighting services planning, designs, evaluation of complete structure and gathering data on consumer needs. We combine this knowledge with our technical leadership and have emerged as top lighting players in the industries. Our service are superior and advanced which is why we have become one of the most sought after servicing in the lighting space.

Lasya Engineering Projects having the team of qualified and technically experienced professional Lighting with expertise in all aspects of projects execution and contractual obligation in the field of lighting we have technically qualified and designated licensing managers with us to efficiently deals with complete lighting works.

Electrical Utility

Lasya Engineering Projects is focus on carrying out the works supply, Erection, dismantling, shifting/Re-location of existing HT & LT distribution networks along state Highways, National Highways and National Highway authority of India. Survey, Planning, Design, Estimation preparation obtaining all statutory clearances, Supply, Erection/Installation, commissioning and testing of illumination systems works for flyover, Junction, truck laybay, Toll plazas, Railway over bridge (ROB), VUP, Entry and Exit Ramps, viaduct, canopy on state Highways, National Highways and NHAI projects.

We have an experienced managing team in commercial and field execution work having over one decade of experience in shifting of electrical utilities for road projects and massive electrical work.

Lasya Engineering Projects having the team of qualified and technically experienced engineers with expertise in all aspects of projects execution and contractual obligations in the field of electrical & illumination works.we have technically qualified and designated licensing managers with us to efficiently deal with electrical department.